
Thursday 23 February 2012


Following on from my rabbit success, I also made a sheep.  Daughter Holly made one, too.
This is mine...

...and this is mine and Holly's...

...and here they are with the rabbits.
. ...♥... .

Saturday 18 February 2012

Little Rabbit FooFoo...

...running through the forest...

 ...scooping up all the field mice...

...and bopping them on the head!

Thursday 9 February 2012

The Versatile Blogger

I've been nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award ~ Yay!

Rules are that you thank the giver of the award and link back to them.

          Thank you so much to Rustic Vintage Country.

Nominate and notify 15 blogs you have recently discovered.  (I'll be doing 5 per week over the next 3 weeks).

           1. Finally Made It
           2. Moo and Mouse
           3. Dottie Designs
           4. Made to Make
           5. The Cookie Button 

Finally, you have to share 7 things about yourself.  Here Goes:

          1. I've been a Kate Bush fan since the age of 11.
          2. My favourite colours are green and purple.
          3. I hate Marmite.
          4. I love blueberry vodka with lemonade and margarita's.
          5. I love to go mud-slurpling in my wellies.
          6. I am a cat person.
          7. My favourite song of all time is The Who's 'Pinball Wizard'

***added note***
Of the next 10 blogs I chose, 7 had also recently been awarded and 3 requested no awards so I will leave it at 5 for my nominations.  If you want to see which blogs I enjoy please see the list of 'I like to look at' on my homepage.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Wallpaper Envelopes

My latest Country Living magazine arrived this morning and as I was having a nice little flick through its contents I came across the 'Make of the Month' ~ Wallpaper envelopes.  I always have samples of wallpapers - some I plan to decorate with but never get round to doing, some I just like the look of and others I use in craft projects.  So instead of planning to make wallpaper envelopes sometime in the future I set to and started making just a couple there and then.
A lovely afternoon of cutting and sticking and 36 envelopes later here are the results...

...shiny patterns... 

...blues, pinks and browns...  
 . ...♥... .