
Monday 12 November 2012


I'm slowly, but surely, restocking my Folksy Shop.  After a very busy year with more than a couple of hiccups along the way I'm finally getting back on track.  Of course Christmas is galloping madly towards me and I find I'm already clutching bundles of lists but I love my little online shops and want to make them an interesting browse.

So do drop by and let me know what you think.
. ...♥... .

Thursday 25 October 2012

Still playing tag!

 A block of hearts...
A block of hearts...
...'love you' heart...

...stack of presents...
...plain browns...

...more plain browns...

...It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Saturday 29 September 2012


A nice little afternoon spent ♥

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Scrappy Fabric Collages

It's that time of year where a lot of my sewing is on dance costumes for a very dear friend's child.  I've also been working on some boring, practical sewing too so I thought it was time to treat myself to something fun and just for me!
So I gathered bits of fabric, lace and ribbons and put together this pretty fabric collage...
...sewn with a curvy leaf vine up the middle and a tiny zig-zag around the frayed edges.

 I was so pleased with the result I set to and made another...

 and topped this one with a button and frill flower.
. ...♥... .

Wednesday 12 September 2012

That wasn't much of a Summer, was it?

I would have loved to spend days at the beach, watching the waves and squishing my toes in the sand!

Oh well, I never even got to buy any postcards so I made one instead...

. ...♥... .

Saturday 8 September 2012

Still busy, just not been blogging...

Ok, shame on me for not blogging for such a long time.  I offer my humble apologies!
I have been busy, but haven't had a lot of luck with taking any decent photo's. I finally managed to snap a few of acceptable quality.

During a big clear out and re-arrangement of some of my kitchen cupboards I found three old wooden rolling pins (I now have a swanky marble one)... I painted one in 'Lime White' and decorated it with some craft papers in fresh prints from the Papermania 'Rose Garden' collection...

...added the word BAKE and some cute pink gingham ribbon and made myself a nice little decorative kitchen accessory!

. ...♥... .

Friday 6 July 2012

A Little Set of Drawers...

This little set of drawers was something I coveted for a long while when they resided in my in-laws hallway.  I've housed them in my own home for a few years now but never got round to converting them into the set of drawers I always saw them to be. they're going to get a scrubbing, a painting and a bit of fanciness to brighten them up.  I might even get to take a photo of them without a cat in the way!
They have our pens and pencils in and, up 'til last week, all the kids old felt tips and dried up markers which have since gone the way of the buffalo (aka the bin).  Cho, my daughter's black cat refused to get out of the way (he loves having his photo taken) so try to ignore him...

Thursday 28 June 2012

Handmade 18th Birthday Card

Here's another 18th birthday card, this time in green shimmery card with vintage green patterned paper overlays with tattered and torn edges.  
I've embellished it with hearts, flowers, buttons and bows and even tied a tiny silver 'Coming of Age' key to the number 1.

 There's a panel of vintage linen green tattered paper inside to write a special message on.
This is now in my wowthankyou shop
. ...♥... .

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Oh, Soldier Soldier, Won't You Marry Me...

More fabric tags, this time with a big tall sentry box and a neat little row of soldiers...

made from blue denim with a red gingham ribbon.

. ...♥... .

Saturday 23 June 2012

Tiny Bunting...

Look what I've been whizzing up on my sewing machine...

...denim gift tags with tiny bunting flags sewn on in bright ginghams...

...and some in a paler denim with stripey pink and green bunting ...

...and some in a beige heavy fabric with mixed pattern bunting...
 . ... ♥... .

Saturday 9 June 2012

3 weeks? Sorry...

Hard to believe that the last three weeks have gone by and I haven't blogged once.  Life hasn't been busy, but it has been fun!  Both the men in my life had a birthday (that's my husband and my son, sharing the same birthday).  Hubby had a week off work and we spent most of time doing whatever we wanted to do.  The one day we chose to stay at home and do nothing also happened to be the worst day for weather so that worked out well for us.  And we've had a wonderful Diamond Jubilee extra long weekend to make us all proud to be British.  Top that all off with the half term break and weather to warrant the building of an ark and that's where most of my time has been.
I have still been tickling my craft supplies and producing little items but haven't had the light (or the sense in my head) to take any reasonable photo's.  But just to prove I've been up to something, here's a trio of shots of an 18th card I made for my daughter's friend...

...and this last  photo shows the pink heart covered wallpaper envelope too!

Monday 14 May 2012

Union Jack Brooches

I've been cross-stitching various Union Jack designs, trying several different patterns until I finally came up with one I'm happy with.  The idea was that I would use them on different projects but so far I've only made these brooches...
...and the sun was going in and out like a fiddler's elbow when I was trying to take photo's so they're not the shots I was looking for but will do for now.
. ...♥... .

Saturday 28 April 2012

Little House on the Prairie Tags.

A little bit more of fabric collage sewing.  Sometimes I pick up a piece of fabric and I know just what to do with it and what other fabrics to use, other times I can go through piles of different patterns and not find the exact piece I'm looking for (even when I don't know what it is I'm looking for).
Anyhow, these tags sort of evolved from bits of ribbon I have had for ages and wanted to finally use, so what  could be better than as a garden for a cute little house?

And I wanted to use a Union Jack ribbon too, so these houses got our great nation's flag as their garden.
. ...♥... .