
Monday 30 March 2015

Baby Blankets

My Fairy God-daughter is expecting twins! What's even better, they are due on my birthday!
I've been busy crocheting a couple of blankets to give her at the baby shower.  
Baby pink with a white scalloped edge, threaded with pink and white gingham ribbon...

...and a baby blue with white scalloped edge, threaded with blue and white gingham ribbon...

...making a nice bright baby bundle of blankets...

. ...♥... .

Wednesday 25 March 2015

21st Birthday Card

Another family member reaches a milestone 21st birthday.
This card is basic cream linen card with a 2 cut out and ragged in a vintage inspired postage stamp paper in browns and plums.  The 1 is in a green coloured vintage map print from the same paper set as the postage stamp print.
I tried to keep it simple with the embellishments and opted for green and red wooden buttons with coordinating jewel and star.  I sneaked a deep green organza bow on it and a small brass key to symbolize the 'Key of the Door' landmark birthday.

. ...♥... .

Wednesday 18 March 2015

The Loom of Doom and some more relaxing therapy

'Come build a loom and make a pom-pom blanket' they said.  'It'll be nice, relaxing and therapeutic' I thought.
Oh boy!!
Mother Bear and Sister wanted to make pom-pom blankets and had shown me the links to video tutorials (there are vast numbers of them online, take a look for yourself if you fancy tackling this as a project) and caught me up in their enthusiasm.  Both Mother Bear and Sister built their own frames but I chose what I thought was the easy option and headed off to visit the lovely ladies in our local charity shop.  I emerged £2 lighter but two frames heavier.  Armed with my nails, hammer and a great deal of gusto I chuffed a fine walk to meet up with Sister and we headed off to Mother Bears house.
After spending far too long trying to work out the mathematics of my frame and where to nail the nails I got down to some serious hammering.
Once all the nails were in the frame (a fine job I made of it, even if I do say so myself) I was up and at the weaving of the base wool.  Ah, the relaxing therapeutic bit...
Oh my good giddy God in his striped pyjama's!!!  Relaxing? Therapeutic? Wobbly nails :( Hammered thumb :( and NEVER EVER try to weave on a nail loom in a knitted cardigan!  I think I wove more of my cardi than the actual wool in the first half hour!
Several hours later my loom looks like this...

...and now I'm out of wool so this project will have to wait.

So today I decided to make some more wallpaper envelopes.  I find this VERY relaxing.  I think it's the cutting and folding and sticking that soothes my soul (and after yesterday's shenanigans it needed a soothing!)... looks like my craft mat could do with a good scrub down but that's another day of a different kind therapy!
. ...♥... .

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Ha ha ha Happy New Year...

Ok, so it's been a while.  No excuses, no story to tell.  I've still been crafting but maybe not as much as I'd like.

I've seen a lot of sewing mats on Pinterest and other people's blogs so my mum, sister and I set to one day and made one each.

I went for a nice fat quilted base in plain cream with a lovely vintage-style rose printed edge.
The pockets along the front are made with a sewing theme printed cotton and have vintage sewing pattern panels on them.

I'm hoping this little mat will keep all my sewing necessities in one place and save me time in the long run (I'm always putting my scissors down and losing them, even when I'm just sat at my machine :/ ).

. ...♥... .