
Tuesday 21 April 2015

Dancing Fairy Rings

I was browsing through some old computer files, re-arranging and renaming photo's when I stumbled across these pictures of a couple of dancing fairy rings I made for a special little girl...

...I think I might have to make myself some for the Summer.  As the weather is getting warmer I can picture myself lolloping through a flowery meadow with my ribbons streaming behind me.
Unfortunately, I think the vision in my head and the reality of me dancing with the fairies will be similar to those pins you see so much of on Pinterest...
funny pictures with captions | this is what i think I look like zumba caption picture
. ...♥... .

Sunday 19 April 2015

New Baby Cards

I love this cutter of a fancy pram...'s so delicate and pretty...

...and makes beautiful New Baby cards.
. ...♥... .

Friday 17 April 2015


Easter has been and gone and some of the gifts I made for people didn't even get their likeness taken.
I made lots of these lovely little fellows but only got snaps of these two...
so I'll try to snap a shot or two of the others with their new owners...

. ...♥... .