
Wednesday 21 October 2015

Further adventures with the Loom of Doom :/

When I look back I can't quite believe the trauma I initially experienced with my pom-pom blanket was only March of this year (read the original post here). I did eventually finish the weaving and began knotting the cross-overs together...
unfortunately this took a lot longer than I thought it would as I had to take big big breaks to allow my blistered fingers to heal...

 but the back looked nice and neat when I finally finished tying the very last knot...

and then the snipping could begin...

oh boy, not even that was relaxing or therapeutic :/

I think by this stage I was so fraught with anguish I just wanted the dang thing finished!
When I snipped it off the frame I finally got some pleasure in this project - I smashed the frame to bits to discourage any thought of ever EVER attempting to carry out another pom-pom project!

This has been an intense project and my admiration goes to all those who make these blankets - you are brave people!  But in all of this (and the final stages when my sister helped with the last snippy bits) I persevered and finished it.  There have been other projects that have been easier and more enjoyable but never made it to fruition so I am, at least, glad I stuck with it.
So here it is, my finished pom-pom blanket:

. ...♥... .

Monday 12 October 2015

Remember this...?

My Summer project back in 2011 was to strip down my very old dresser (you can see the original post HERE).  I did strip the bottom back to the bare wood, sand it and wax it but the shelves only ever got a basic strip.  The strange gothicness of the dark wood with the last of the paint clinging in a thin layer appealed to me and when I tried it on the base I never took it down again.  My intention was to have beautiful plates, jugs and china on display but a couple of jars of buttons crept in and before I knew it my dresser had become a button shop! (It's not actually a shop, but I do feel like I'm at a buttony pick 'n' mix when I'm looking for the right button :D)
So here is how it looks now...

I did manage to get some pretty pots on though :D
.. ♥..

On a separate catch up...
Remember this little set of drawers?  Well here is how they look now...
I painted them in an off-white emulsion

then used scrapbooking papers to decorate the drawer fronts

They still house our pens and pencils but in a much prettier way now.
. ...♥... .

Friday 9 October 2015

Leather Books

Yesterday was a very happy crafting day :D
My son has wanted to make a Midori-style leather journal for a while now. When we were on holiday in September we found a marvellous fabric shop which sold some amazing pieces of leather, from tiny little bits right through to full hides and the colours on offer were great, too!  I was very restrained with my purchase and only selected a small thick piece of brown (I did let a fat quarter of grey reindeer printed cotton jump into my arms amongst other things).
So this is my first attempt at a Midori-style leather journal:
 I know the edges are supposed to be neat but I just love the shape of this and the flappy-ness of it so I'm keeping it this odd shape.  I think I need to stiffen the inside at some point but I doubt I'll use it (it's too nice!!) so there's no rush for that...

and following on from this I made these teeny tiny little leather covered books...

 just gorgeous with their elaborate silver corners on the front
 and their thick pages inside
and a ragged little leather pocket tag book...
 ...which is waiting for some dark tags to be conjured up for inside and a little bit of decoration
. ...♥... .

Monday 5 October 2015

Friday 18 September 2015

A little bit of stamping...

..and not of my feet :)

Just a very small selection of some of the cards I've been stamping...

Saturday 20 June 2015

My Tiny Yarden

I sadly don't have a vast garden with lush green lawns and delicious deep herbaceous borders full of magnificent hollyhocks, delphiniums and other glorious flora.  I don't even have a rear courtyard (despite calling it that for the past couple of decades much to the amusement of my husband) but I do have a very very small back yard which, to me, is my garden.  So this is a dinky little peek at my tiny 'yarden'...

Thanks for dropping by . ...♥... .

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Early Twins :D

My Fairy God-daughter's twins arrived early!
Once I knew what their names were I got to work on some lovely bunting for them...

and I made a nice card too.

. ...♥... .

Saturday 2 May 2015

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Dancing Fairy Rings

I was browsing through some old computer files, re-arranging and renaming photo's when I stumbled across these pictures of a couple of dancing fairy rings I made for a special little girl...

...I think I might have to make myself some for the Summer.  As the weather is getting warmer I can picture myself lolloping through a flowery meadow with my ribbons streaming behind me.
Unfortunately, I think the vision in my head and the reality of me dancing with the fairies will be similar to those pins you see so much of on Pinterest...
funny pictures with captions | this is what i think I look like zumba caption picture
. ...♥... .